Worldwide Beer.

The culture of beer in around the world

World consumption of beer represents 2.031 billion hectoliters in 2014, the  equivalent of almost 6500 liters of beer every second (meter).

In other words, every day more than 576 million liters of beer are ingested in the world.
The biggest consumers of beer are Asians with 38% of beer consumed. Then comes the Americas with 28% of the world share then the European with 26.4%.

Beer as tobacco has become established around the world.
Behind a beer, there are several symbols:

For example, drinking beer after work with colleagues or at home shows that beer is the symbol of conviviality, relaxation and socialization. It is besides the beer which was born the notion of "Happy Hour". Coming from the United States today, the term "Happy Hour" has broken through its barriers to become a habit around the world.

We can see that during a big sporting event like football or basketball, the beer industry is very present.
Around the world, beer has shifted from the local Nordic drink as a wine in the Latin countries to a true lifestyle.`
Today, beer has become a geopolitical issue between the country, its economic power being linked to barley production and the strong competition it creates internationally.


  1. For me, this article it's a really good idea. All the people in the world think about a beer with friends after a long day, is an international habit. When you take a beer after work, it's easy to speak with different people and different nationality, often, you can have a good conversation. I think it's important to keep this habit for speak with different person. I learn something about this subject, the european people don't drink a lot! The Asian and American are before us. It's a really good article, good presentation, good picture ad good sentences.

  2. According to me this article is very interesting because he's talking about beer and
    it's something that interests me a lot. Effectively, when i travel i realy love to taste beers that comes from the country where i am. As you watch there are hugely different types of beers and beer cultures vary a lot.
    Socially, the fact of drinking beers makes friends, colleagues ect because the mere fact of going there, whether after work or school creates a conviviality that immediately ties.
    As you say, people and I love drinking beer during a sporting event such as a football match or rugby match. Beer is part of the rugby culture in France, the third half is not a myth...

    I am happy to have learned more about this topic that interests me a lot !
    thank you


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