What is the real impact of social media ?

What is the real impact of social media?What is the real impact of social media ?

Information and communication technology has changed rapidly over the past 20 years with a key development being the emergence of social media.
The development of mobile technology has played an important role in shaping the impact of social media. Across the globe, mobile devices dominate in terms of total minutes spent online. This puts the means to connect anywhere, at any time on any device in everyone’s hands.
People want to shared information because they have a desire to reveal valuable and entertaining content to others; to define themselves; to grow and nourish relationships and to get the word out about brands and causes they like or support.
Social media is being used in ways that politics, business, world culture, education, careers, innovation, and more.
Social media’s influence in political campaigns has increased tremendously. Social networks play an increasingly important role in electoral politics first in the ultimately unsuccessful candidacy of Howard Dean in 2003, and then in the election of the first African-American president in 2008.
Furthemore,the New York time repost that “The election of Donald J. Trump is perhaps the starkest illustration yet that across the planet, social networks are helping to fundamentally rewire human society.” Because social media allows people to communicate with one another more freely, they are helping to create surprisingly influential social organizations among once-marginalized groups.
Almost a quarter of the world's population is now on Facebook, Instagram, twitter,..

In short, today social networks are an integral part of our lives despite everything.
Social networks can also unite people from all over the world in many situations. This tool is now an integral part of our culture around the world practically everyone has access to it and uses it in a good way. While the world would be much slower without social media,. However, the positive impact of social media is astronomical and far surpasses the ills associated with sharing.


  1. I think that the theme you have chosen is entirely in the subject of globalization.
    Social media is expanding in our society, they are becoming increasingly important in our daily lives and in our way of resonating.
    They allow interconnection and sharing between the different cultures of our planet, we find them, as you said, in many new areas. Some areas have even emerged thanks to all this new technology. And it's true that politics is now heavily on social media, which makes both the policy accessible to all, but also that can lead to the dissemination of false information.
    For me technological advancement, allowing the greatest number to be on social networks is a good thing on the cultural side, but it can lead to excesses, excess if used with abuse and unconsciousness. We must also know how to distinguish the truth from the lie.
    Our world is changing with all its advanced, and certainly that social media is the most flagrant part in our daily life of this considerable development, especially with as you said the arrival of the mobile phone, and all that goes with.
    Thank you for this article which is very interesting and a contemporary topic

  2. Nice article, thanks for sharing informative post.
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  4. Thank you for sharing your expertise on this topic. Your insights and suggestions are truly valuable, and I'm sure they will help many others.
    Thank you for sharing your expertise on this topic. Your insights and suggestions are truly valuable, and I'm sure they will help many others.


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