International Food

We live in a global world, where the local economy, politics and culture no longer belong only to
their environment and influence only a large part of the rest of the world. We living in global culture.

Food represent the global culture, since in each country we have the food of many countries. The
globalization of food is due in particular to the movements of human beings. And also through
exports and imports of ingredients. We can eat bananas or pineapples from halfway around the
world through rapid trade.Now the whole world can eat products from the other side of the world.
For example, in New York City, it is estimated that 85% of all the Japanese restaurants are owned and
run by non-Japanese chefs and owners.

For example, fast food is case of culture assimilation. Indeed, it is part of our alimentation, we
included it in our life. But Japanese food is a culture appropriation, how to cook remains unknown.
I am interested in this subject because I find it incredible that we can eat food from a country where
we have never been. It allows us to “travel”. That’s one of the benefits of globalization.

Globalization is everywhere, even on our plates.


  1. Thank you for this article rich in colour and details about international food. I agree with you when you say that food represent global culture. As you said it's fascinating to eat food from other countries without even moving. What i can add to what has been said in this article is that international food revolves around sharing.I mean by it the desire and the enthusiasm of one and the other to discover cultures through food. In fact, food brings us together through values ​​that are sharing and pleasure.

  2. Hi, Anais! Thank you for the enlightening post of Globalization of Food.

    I totally agree with what you said, especially when you said that “food represent the global culture and that globalization of food is due in particular to the movements of human beings”.

    First of all, food markets were the first to become globally integrated, linking distant cultures of the world. What’s more, interesting to see is the way globalization of food have an impact on our food systems to the point that the way we eat is changing, resulting in greater availability and diversity of food.

    It’s clear that our dietary habits are changing due to the globalization of food products. There’s a vast and expanding variety of foods we can purchase in stores and eating establishments.

    Moreover, with globalization, consumer have more choice and more efficient production practice, aiding the fight to ensure food security and global human health.
    Food cultures truly have spread to the point where you can now find Japanese, American or even Mexican restaurant in a small, remote city.

    As our world becomes more and more connected, food culture is no longer tied down to where it originated from and can spread far and wide.

  3. Hi Anais,
    I agree with what you say about the food and its internalization. It represents so well the global culture because it includes for me the idea of share, get together and discovery. Discovery because this allows us to taste foreign dishes especially that it’s easier and easier to eat new flavors from other countries thanks to the culture globalization. We can confirm it with Lyon’s case where we can eat without difficulty dishes from all other the word: there is mexican food or italian food, lebanese meat, chinese or even indian dishes, american food with fast-food and so much more…
    I like your article because it explains well how food became one of the main actor of culture globalization thanks to the movements of human beings exports and imports of ingredients as you show in your article so it’s thanks to human progress and curiosity that the food is a way of share, discovery and that people have access to food from the other side of the world, they can eat what they want when then want.
    I think your article adds to our class discussion because it the items of our courses: how culture globalization is evolving through our mentalities and our ways of life.


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