Rugby : an international sport ?

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A player runs to the white line
Rugby comes from England. The legend says that a student, William Webb Ellis, during a football game, takes the ball with his hands and flattened it behind the white line. But the origin of this team’s sport is actually slightly different. In 1830, the Rugby school and one of his headmasters, Thomas Arnold wanted to educate the high-class people, with viril and warrior values to develop their self-control in violent confrontations. An old English proverb says: «Football is a sport of gentlemen practiced by thugs and rugby is a sport of thugs practiced by gentlemen». 

Why rugby represents global culture ?

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A French player dumped by an Irish player
Rugby is an international sport which reached many people in the world, particularly along the expansion of the British colonial empire. Many competitions are organized between countries. For some countries, rugby is THE national sport.

Through their national rugby team, countries confront themselves during international tournaments.
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Irish supporters

Supporters come from many countries to encourage their players. Rugby is also present in the cinema; for example, in the film Invictus, rugby is an illustration of apartheid in South Africa and at the same time, the symbol of South Africans reconciliation. Rugby is also a subject for music to galvanize supporters like the hymn of “Peña Baiona”.

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Dan Carter, the New Zealand player with the Racing 92's shirt

Beetween tournaments, individual players are coming from various countries to join French professional clubs such as the LOU in Lyon, or Stade Toulousain in Toulouse. These teams are of global culture because each player brings his specificity and his own country culture to the game and to the club.

Today, more and more people around the world are enthusiast about rugby. To reach maximum audience, in parallel of big competitions like the Six Nations tournament or the Rugby World Cup, IRB (International Rugby Board) organizes a lot of international competitions for women’s or people who are less than twenty years old.

Rugby is an illustration of global culture.


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  2. Thank you Hubert for teaching me things. I Always thought that rugby was created during a football game but now I know that it's not. I totally agree with you and the concept of global culture and rugby. This sport becomes much more famous every year and all over the world thanks to many competition and popular players. For example, there is the world seven series which is a competition made of several tournaments in the all world where teams of seven players play against. And I think this kind of tournaments ideas like that can make rugby popular in the world. There is a lot of values in this sport and a lot of brotherhood between the supporters. And the all gather during games and they drink beers together and this shows the beauty of this sport, and I think that's why rugby becomes much more popular because people can identify easily in all the values. Even if this sport is virile and sometimes maybe dangerous, like you said, but there is a lot of respect between players and that's what people want to see. They want to see respect and this sport is all made of this and also humility and that’s why rugby is sometimes the national sport in countries like in New-Zealand. Thank you very much Hubert.

  3. I have chosen to comment the Hubert Castaing’s article: “Rugby: an international sport?”.
    First at all, I am totally agreed with what it’s said in the article. Rugby is a perfect illustration of global culture. This sport brings together women, men and children.
    In effect, this sport is reuniting different teams of over the world, around the same rules and the same fight: to win the party. Rugby is not just a game with a ball, it’s more of that. Players are pulled up by the same values like, the most important of them: the team spirit, or still: the mutual aid, the tolerance and the respect. You don’t even doubt of his representation of global culture at events such as the world championships. During these tournaments, we can see in the stands, a lot of supporters who come from many countries to encourage their players. Furthermore, in the same team, there are players who don’t come from of the same countries and don’t have the same culture, but are fighting together for the same city or country. This is the beauty of this sport.
    Finally, the author was able to put together in one article all the aspects that make this sport represents the global culture. So yes, I believe that this article reveals the “global culture aspect” of the rugby.

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