SCHOOLS A SOURCE OF GLOBAL CULTURE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

the global culture would be a set of knowledge that are shared by all the countries of the world, on my part I chose to talk about the schools that are today immense source of the global culture.The Accet in culture is carried out in the first place by education and training in this context the school has an important place;On the one hand it is a place of learning for all and on the other hand it is a place of sociability and exchanges. Through its educational objectives the school is one of the channels of cultural transmission to which we are directly confronted, the hen one speaks of culture transmitted to the school one Evoque above all the knowledge theoretical that one learns, yet the school Also give knowledge and knowledge to be, attidudes. The rules to be respected, the examples given by the adult, the Vehiculés values, the exchange of ideas the artistic material that can be addressed, the efforts to Develop his critical Sen. there are examples showing that the school allows us to meet many cultural elements.

Beyond all that the school can bring the educational team the school is a meeting place of several students from different cultures it is a place where the styles, the way of speaking, the practices of consumption, the preticks are displayed. of initiation, references media etc.
We meet people different from each other, with different backgrounds and one can choose to share cultural defences with some and enrich the differences encountered in others.
The school thus becomes a place of shares and fusion of cultural knowledge and models


  1. Hello,
    After reading your article, I fully share your opinion. For me, the school is a way to discover news cultures, different people with different backgrounds, lifestyles which change compared to ours, and it’s main quality for we because we are really young when we are in a school, so this is beneficial to make us grow. In addition, we are in a international university, which is interesting for us because we meet internationals students with other cultures, and who are used to at other pedagogy, and different education systems, and we should know their way of learning and understand them to better adapt to their behavior and know their systems its very interresting for we. The same for their vision of things on different themes of life. The culture is something who brings us together because we have each differents cultures, custom, way of speaking that are unique. So, the school its a place where we see the most the difference. The school its so very important for our developpement, and for know the culture of all over the world. For me, its important to accept the culture of each with sharing customs.
    I agree with what you said, school is very important for sharing cultures. Know and accept culture of other people we help to adapt at the world that surrounds us.


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