Handball and the world

Handball is a collective sport from the North of Europe and more precisely, Denmark. This country and France dominate the world with the last two wins in the World Cup. This year, from the 10th of January to the 27th the men’s handball world cup happened in Germany and Denmark. 24 countries were represented from 4 different continents. The Denmark won the final against Norway 31-22.

Why this men’s handball world cup represents global culture?

Handball has been invented in Europe that’s why there is a major part of European teams in the tournament. But we see an increase of countries from other continents like Asians and Africans. This sport starts to be much more popular every year on every continent thanks to very famous players like Nikola Karabatic or Mikkel Hansen. Both have 500k followers on Instagram which shows the increasing popularity of handball on the world. We can see that cultures are mixed in this sport and people assimilate all the rules and habits of this sport because there are very strict. This shows that handball is part of global culture because there is a mix of different cultures from different places. For example, there is Africans teams playing handball like Egypt or Morocco.


One of the most important things that happened in this tournament was the Korean team which was made of north and south Koreans. The all Korea was united and thanks to this we can see the two Koreas getting closer and closer like we saw during the winter Olympic. Unfortunately, they were eliminated in pools. As we can see sport can gather people who have the same opinions, hobbies and passions.



  1. What an interesting approche from cultural sport :)

  2. Hi Hugo, indeed a lot of sports like Handball are examples of globalization. What I like about your article is that you insist on the fact that countries of all parts of the world are concerned about handball. It is so great to see African teams or Asian teams participate in the world cup or at the Olympics. Handball is maybe not the most famous sport, but you’re right that its fame is increasing. As a matter of fact, some players are becoming very famous all around the world.

    Your example can add to the class that even a sport not so famous, it can show how globalization is present in our society. What I like about your article, is that you could have chosen the most famous sport. Indeed, football concern all countries wherever in the world and is a main passion for large number of people. But handball is a sport which is increasing and becoming very practiced. I hope other countries will develop their capacity to win some trophy because however, France & Denmark are on top of the world since a long time.


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