World dance heritage.


  Dance genres, just like other forms of performance art, oral traditions, and human activity, is a cultural heritage. In fact, this picture  as simple as it, is interesting because it represents the cultures in their entirety, at the level of the art, which is dance. So, we all know compared to where we go, there is a typical dance that represents a country, with the evolution in the world, by the meeting of cultures, we realize  that nowadays, people are trying to impress on each other's culture by learning to dance in their own ways, which shows that there is a desire  to learn and know each other better, which  leads to sharing. There for, observing this picture, we realize that the elements that makes it global are: originality, creativity despite  the difference. In view of what has been said, we can say that it is cultural assimilation because people learn voluntary others people dance.

           I decided to choose this picture because first of all it is a simple picture which says a lot. Secondly, it shows the diversity of the world, with the different types of dance which is interesting and shows the world is rich in diversity. About globalization and multiculturality it says a lot, because it highlights the fact that despite we are different, the dance is a way of sharing which permits each other to be in communion and meet each other in the same passion. Finally, i think that for our class it helps us to understand that what encompasses the global culture through the different themes such as food art dance is sharing, getting the other to know me despite the fact that others can be considered like a danger to me.


  1. I have been dancing since I was little and I always like it.
    I practiced different dance so I discovered different culture, for example hip-hop from United States or Capoeira from afro-brazilian slaves.
    So in first I would like to say that dance is a real identity for each culture. It is also a true art of sharing and I am very happy that you chose this topic, it is a good example to the global culture.
    I think that dance can gather the difference because it is above, the dance goes beyond the barriers of language. So it is a real communication tool, it is a wealth.
    I would like to say also that the danse is an art, a sport, a show, a story, a party. It affects everyone.
    The dances was born hundreds of years ago, it is a part to the human's language. I am agree with when you say that dance is a "cultural heritage".

    Thank you for your post !


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