·        The globalized stock-exchange investment

The arrival of the stock exchange took place in the 19th century. The stock exchange is an organized public market where all financial securities (securities) are traded. It is the place where listed companies are financed, where they seek the capital necessary for their development by using public savings.

However, this type of business financing has evolved since the late 1970s. Indeed, stock markets that were independent and present throughout the world began to work together, to form a global market.
This, among other things, has accelerated the intensification of international trade, particularly capital flows.

For example, the main financial centres are in the four corners of the world: New York (NYSE: New York Stock Exchange), London (LSE: London Stock Exchange), Tokyo (Japan Exchange Group).

How does stock-exchange represent global culture?

This theme represents global culture because individuals from the whole earth can be players in markets, regardless of social background, their origin, their financial means.

What are the specific elements that make it “global?”?

The "global" side is therefore represented by this international side, concerning the whole earth, in particular thanks to the multiple financial places and the flows of financial data.

is it a case of cultural appropriation or cultural assimilation?

In my opinion, this method of financing businesses represents a cultural assimilation rather than an appropriation because it is a means of contributing to this culture, of innovation, of improving it.

Why stock-exchange?

I am very interested in financial investment for a number of reasons. I grew up in a family where I was made aware of this very young field. I very quickly got a taste for it, and entering business school, I enrolled in an investment association called "BBE" ("Black Bull Equities"), in order to bring my knowledge, and also to receive it.

Today, I have chosen to share this theme because it is very often in the shadows while it is one of the biggest lever that is within everyone’s reach. So I thought it might be of interest to more than one.

I think it could be a revelation for many people in my class who don’t know the majority of this world.


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