The scouting is a catholic movement who brings together 60 million youngers all over the word in 200 territories and countries. The Scouts of France are at the heart of this great world brotherhood. The association makes education for global citizenship and international solidarity a priority of its educational project.
So, every four years, the association tries to invite young people to meet each other across borders to become citizens of the world, peacemakers and actors of international solidarity. It’s an international movement sharing the same values, ideas and attitudes. Moreover, the uniform consisting of a scarf and a shirt demonstrates that Scouts are all on the equal footing and share the same values.

During the summer 2019, is organized the 24th world jamboree in the United-States with 40 000 participants. The theme chosen for this 24th edition, “the keys to a better world”, focuses on the adventure, intercultural exchanges and new friendships that will be shared by scouts around the world during the 12 days of the event. The principal values will be: the adventure, the friendship, the leadership, the intercultural understanding, the service and the sustainable development.

So, I have chosen this event to talk about global culture because I think it is a perfect example of that. People coming all over the world with different cultures, nationalities, social origins, languages and beliefs but to fight for the same ideas and in the name of international solidarity. They promote cultural and social mixing of the movement.  


  1. First of all, I would like to say “Thank you” for your great article about the scouting. I’m absolutely agree with the fact that scouting can be considered as a perfect example of global culture.
    The uniform is a way to break the social barriers. Children comes to many different living environments and the uniform allow us to say: when you put your uniform, everybody have the same and you are on an equal footing. The symbol of the scarf: when you put your scarf, you decide to belong a part of the family.
    The jamboree permits to young people to be interested by current problems. The fact that it’s international is to a means mix people in a multicultural and multiethnic world. Maybe one of this jamboree’s concern is that is not regular enough. The association could organize a little bit event every other year for every country.

  2. I wanted to write my article on the same subject, but yours was so beautifully written that I found another one!
    I totally agree with you and I think you found the right words to describe the spirit of scouting which is a strong symbol of global culture.
    I already made a jamboree and everything you say is true. The fact that one does not speak the same language does not interfere in the dialogue, the differences are the strength of the jamboree. And to have lived, I can tell you that after that we did not why there are wars, and why people do not live together in peace. An event like this, represents the global culture because everyone has their way of life, their culture, their religion but for example, they all share the same values, that of Scouting, mutual help, love and fight in the idea that a better world is still possible. In Scout philosophy, there is a desire to open the spirit of the child to the world, for example during a thema night on the different countries and different cultures or through the cuisine of the world. The uniform brings a certain equality and a certain unity to the movement, they are different but it gathers in the spirit of Scouting.


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