Jean, a staple in wardrobes around the world

By Adèle Levenq,
February 22th, 2019

Where Jeans come from ?  
Over time, work pants became jeans, becoming the best-selling garment in the United States from the 1920s. Jeans are easily one of the most omnipresent pieces of clothing on Earth with millions of pairs being made, sold and wrapped around the butts of style conscious individuals every single day. 

At first, it is very important to explain exactly why the words “jeans” exist and where he comes from. This term “jeans” has been existing since the 1600s. Originally designed for cowboys and miners.
Nowadays, it is being one of the most popular types of trousers in the world, especially with one of the most popular brand : Levi’s. Actually, in the Western culture it is almost the only trousers that they wear, indeed it was a west America’s symbol. At the beginning, this type of trousers was created especially for the workers, indeed, then in the case of someone talked of “blue jean”, people knew they were talking about the men who are working and wearing those “work pants”. 

Jeans, a global culture 
Over time, the jeans crossed the oceans, like the Atlantic Ocean. Actually, the jean is an assimilation for the world, because some countries as a global culture jeans were revisited and rework it. Firstly, in 1853, Levi Strauss created in San Fransico West Coast branch of jeans, Levi’s. One day the wife of a local laborer asked a man, Jacob to make a pair of pants for her husband that wouldn’t fall apart. He tried to think of a way to find a solution and he came up with the idea to put metal rivets at points of strain, like pocket corners and the base of the button fly. That's one of the reasons why Levi’s brand became very famous around the world, because it came up as a very strong trousers for the workers, then became popular for the fashion.

We can talk about an assimilation. Indeed, in different countries like Iltaly, then at Nîmes area of France, new kinds of blue jeans came out as a new idea. The kind of “Denim” was created in Nîmes. They tried to replicate this fabric and it eventually came to be known as “denim” a bastardization of the words “de Nimes” (from Nimes). So now, almost every country and every kind of ages (toddler to senior) they wear jeans, whether for fashion, or even for working in an office or in the fields. I a

Why did I chose this topic ? 
I decided to choose this topic, jeans, because now it's being one of the most cloths than the world wear. We can see jeans, on the pictures, fashion weeks, work, but also for a chill day. This trouser is never outdated. Poor people like rich people can wear it. That's why I pick it up this topic, it is a hug exemple of the global culture. I am sure you are reading and wearing a jean as well right now.


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