" The historical man: Martin Luther King "
The picture illustrates the remarkable improvisation and masterpiece at the same time of Martin Luther King. But also the soul and strength of a man, a desire to change society, for a better world. He is a historical man.
As a simple pastor, Martin Luther King’s goal is to give the black community the same status as others, especially to some whites who believe themselves to be superior and who exclude and persecute the blacks of society.
Inspired by some peace representatives such as Gandhi, his key word will be « non-violence ».
It is the heroic act of Rosa Parks that pushes him to act, he will organize a boycott of black buses and install the carpooling system.
An impressive speech:
On August 28, 1963 he declares his famous speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington on the occasion of the march for labor and freedom, the young pastor of 34 years delivered his most famous speech to 250.000 supporters.
His speech entitled « I have a dream » has marked the history of humankind considered as a masterpiece of rhetoric.
Pronounced on occasion of the centenary of the abolition of slavery in the united states
Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery a century earlier in 1863.
At this time the tension is extreme in the country, King claimed freedom, security, equality, and justice for all. He encouraged his people to a peaceful struggle. He dreams of equality, of fraternally, of place where little black children can take the hands of little white children and walk together as brothers and sisters.
In this speech Martin Luther King wants to use a strong and poignantly rhetoric to mark the spirits.
Integral Speech —> http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm
The following year, President Johnson signed the civils Rights Act All Forms of Discrimination, in the presence of Martin Luther King.
To learn more:
On the third Monday in January each year, the inhabitants of the United States commemorate the day of Martin Luther King in memory of his action and his tragic death.
He become an inspiration to filmmaker with the movie entitled « Selma » which retrace his life. He also has his own pilgrimage and his house has become a museum.
Martin Luther King inspired more than on politician. During his two terms, President Barack Obama has been making allusions to the man especially during the 5O th anniversary of the March of Washington on August 28, 2013.
In a global culture is importante to search, know the history of different culture. People such as Martin Luther King risk their lives for humans rights and improved the lives of many people in the world.
"It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me, and I think that's pretty important"
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