Fashion & Globalization

Very few would dispute the fact that we live in a global world, where local economy, politics and culture do not longer belong to and influence their immediate surroundings alone, but a large extent of the rest of the globe.

Fashion, both a business and a cultural good, has not been impervious to that, on the one hand, fashion is a multi-billion dollar industry that has to survive in a more and more competitive global market, and on the other hand, it is also an immaterial good and the way it is transmitted, shared and created changes along with society.

Both fashion and globalization are complex and multidimensional phenomena, I will analyse what and how has changed in fashion with globalization, focusing on the influence economical and cultural globalization have had in the transmission of trends and the structure and behavior of the industry.

Firstly, fashion is one of the few cultural goods that we carry with us every day and have a role in our life, so the way trends are created and transmitted is affected both by changes in the diffusion of culture

Secondly, fashion industry has, as every other, been affected by economic globalization

However, unlike any other industry, fashion produces ephemeral cultural goods, and so the production of clothes has also been affected by the new model of transmission of trends with cultural globalization.

Fashion contributed to make society more egalitarian, and at least the attire was not a barrier between classes any more. Fashion opened to the world, and thanks to cultural globalization, anyone can now become a reference of trends and influence and inspire the creations of the designers.
But to adapt to this constant flow of trends, the industry has relocated their production to developing countries, where workers produce in terrible conditions… The democratization of fashion will not be complete


  1. This is a very well written article. It summarizes well how fashion, indeed, contributes greatly to the globalization. What a better way to show how every culture connects to each other than through fashion. I agree that it is practiced and seen everywhere in our everyday lives and that it is constantly changing according to the diffusion of other people’s cultures. I also agree with the fact that you said that fashion makes every social classes pretty much equal. However, it is not always the case. There are many stereotypes that come from the way people dress. For example, if you see someone in the street with baggy pants, tattoos and dreadlocks, your first reaction would be to either take your distance or keep a firm hand on your purse or in your pockets because the way they dress is often associated with a negative connotation and a lower social class. Whereas, it is just a fashion like any other that can be worn by anyone. Yet, if you see someone in a classy suit and a tie, it is always associated with a higher social class. So, even if fashion in general allows the world to become equal in a way, it cannot overcome the barrier, that are the stereotypes that separates the social classes.


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