global culture in Réunion Island

Hello, I’m mathis and I’m from to Réunion Island. This island is a French island in Indian ocean. In this post I want to tell you one of the biggest wealth of this island. Defeat Réunion island is know for the surf but too for it’s cultural diversity. With it’s story, this island knew of many immigrations different. At the beginning la Réunion was discover by French people during the time of the slavery. Thus this period has to bring has to see multiple come on the island. The first migrants was the European and the Malagasy. To the end of this period la Réunion knew massive immigration. Indeed, Indians, Chineses, South Africans, North-
Africans came massively to try to find a job in France.
Today, the multiculturalism to la Reunion is very present. Of more this notion is the foundation of the peace between ethnic groups. The racist words are non-existent and the tolerance advocate for the peace. All people who live in Reunion Island live in this multi-culture by participating in the various demonstrations of the various cultures. For instance, Chinese new year is to celebrate by all the inhabitants no matter their origin and their religious belief. Another example, has the meeting tolerance enters meeting exists well. Indeed it is possible to see a church, a mosque as well as a Hindu or Chinese temple without it is a problem.
For me this mentality must be the same all over the world. If every people in the world was also open-minded It shall have less war and more link between the people. Furthermore, this global culture allows to learn new things and to see a new vision of the world in this cosmopolitan world society in which we live. To finish this tolerance must be the same in the world because with this every people will live better.


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