iPhone : 10 years of digital multiculturalism

          iPhone : 10 years of digital multicuturalism. 

 Launched in 2007 by Steve Jobs. The iPhone has revolutionized our lives and today represents a global culture. Ten years later, the smartphone has changed our uses, and even the entire digital economy. It is now possible to order food, or a private driver, to have access to an unimaginable amount of information and even speak with Siri a virtual assistant.It's new uses have transformed the lives of billions of people. Indeed after 10 years the iPhone is the best-selling phone of all time, 1 billion copies. It is available in 124 countries and the number of Apple Store is 523 stores worldwide. Every new iPhone is attracting worldwide interest, "Apple addict" line up in front of the Apple store for days to be sure to have the new iPhone and this happens around the world.
We can talk about the culture of the iPhone, you just have to look in the street the number of owners of iPhone and you will immediately understand the magnitude of this phenomenon.
This is some figures that show that the iPhone represents an element of the global culture:
- 1 billion Iphone sold since 2007
- $ 553 billion in revenue
- "iPhone 7" most wanted item of 2017 on Google
- 63.5% market share of the smartphone market worldwide.
- 590 iPhone sold per minute.

With the arrival of applications and the creation of the App Store, the iPhone allowed to connect the world in different ways including Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat.Today sharing our life with those we know or not is entering our culture thanks to the iPhone. Over time we have appropriated these new uses connecting us to the rest of the world making us interconnected. This appropriation is now natural and will be more so for future generations.

I wanted to talk about the iPhone because this product is more than just a phone it represents a societal change. Moreover, researchers in sociology have conducted a study showing that the iphone could be considered as an index of poverty.


  1. Hi !
    Your post and your video are really insteresting. I appreciate your description of an example of globalization. It is true that the Iphone is really a perfect example.

    First, it is important to know that the Iphone is indeed a product manufactured in all arounf the world : the components of many countries. For example the screen is made in Japan, the camera in Germany, the memory in the United States… Finally,the phones are assembled in China.

    In 2011, iPhones becomes the world leader in smartphones sales. So we can realize that Iphones sales are made all over the world. And within each country, there are many Apple Store.

    Next, the brand has spread all over the world and has become a true fashion phenomenon. Social networks are also an another example of the globalization and there are connected with smarthphones. So many people have

    Furthermore it’s still surprising that the iphone could be as an index of powerty in our world. In fact the world is changing. And I’m completely agree with your opinion when your said « this product is more than just a phone it represents a societal change ». It’s true !

    At last, through the key numbers stated in the article, we can realize the importance of Apple in the world.


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