Art = a symbol of shared culture

Why do not take the art as a symbol of global culture?
June 4th of this year a paint Van GOGH will be sold in a bid in Paris. It’s a valuable paint which has made the tour of the museum and the world tour at the same time. The whole world has interest in this paint of origin Dutch.
In the world, art is present everywhere and under various shapes, it can be music, some movies, paints either the statue or photography…
The art, under all these shapes, is divided and is passed on all over the world, It’s a way of expressing and of sharing with the others, of being able to tell a story about something. In every country, works of art have their specificities, many are inspired by their culture to create and deliver a message.
For a long time, the museums of the whole world have understood that everybody could be interested by art. The museums multiply, lend themselves works and make a temporary exhibition. This allows the whole world to be capable of seeing many different paints without going around the world. This exchange of works allows a dissemination simpler and faster of culture in the world. Therefore, more people can be touched by the various cultures in the world. With all of these actions, the art allows to create global culture, every person keeps their cultures but enriched with other cultures of other countries.
The Van Gogh paint went around the world even before being displayed in Paris, it was exposed in Montreal or even in Amsterdam. This paint is going to be displayed in New York and Brussels before being sold in June.

We can finish by saying that art can be a very important symbol of global culture.


  1. Hi Eva !
    Your article is really interesting. I really agree with you and I would like to add something. For me, art is a symbol of global culture. Furthermore, you do not have to speak the same language as the painter, art is its own language. There is also something interesting about art and culture, it is the fact that art travels a lot around the world and not especially in its country of creation. Art is really accessible in the world. It is also intellectually accessible, I mean that most of the time you do not need to have some knowledge in the art to understand a work of art. Art is universal and timeless and is presents everywhere in every country. That is what it makes that art a symbol of global culture all around the world.
    Art is something that brings people together, everyone is able to see works of art without even traveling around the world. So, art fits totally into the definition of global culture.

  2. This is a really interesting article. I totally agree with the idea that art is the best way to share a message, a point of view and even a powerful idea. As Axelle mentioned it, art doesn't request some specific knowledge to understand the meaning of the oeuvre. Paintings and photographs by example are quite easy to understand. We can say they belong to "traditional art" but I'd add these last years a new kind of art has appeared. I'm talking about contemporary art. This is a particular art which is really interesting for several reasons. It also represents global culture because we can find many artists and contemporary art museum in almost every country. In my opinion I find this is sometimes a bit complicated to understand at first sight the message the artist wants to share but this art can have, in some cases, as many interpretations as people. There are different points of view for one oeuvre. Everyone has the possibility to recognize him/herself in it. This art can gather all the points of view as possible in only one and unique oeuvre which also travel all around the world. It's a kind of global culture!


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